ikp | PR Agentur Österreich: Wien Salzburg Vorarlberg Graz


Cyber Crisis Consulting: ikp and Strong-IT Combine Expertise

New: Consulting Services in Cyber Crisis Management for Communicators and IT Managers

Together with Strong-IT, a leading IT security consultancy and Preferred Partner of ikp Vienna, we are now offering new advisory services in the field of cyber crisis management. Companies can benefit from this innovative combination of communication and technical expertise to prepare for cyberattacks and respond effectively in the event of an emergency.

This special offering includes tailored workshops on crisis prevention as well as comprehensive crisis management for acute situations. The workshops cover both the technical and communicative perspectives—a first in the industry.

Company representatives will learn how to apply traditional crisis communication strategies to cyber crises and understand the specific communication requirements, such as data protection and insurance notifications.

On the technical side, participating IT managers will identify vulnerabilities in their IT systems and develop remedial measures together. The perspective of external attackers is also considered to recognize and counter potential threats early.


Expert Knowledge for Comprehensive Security
The workshops are designed for both communicators and IT managers. If needed, experts from our network in the areas of law and insurance can be brought in to ensure comprehensive advice.

The extensive experience of Strong-IT from numerous workshops, along with practical insights and real-world case studies of cyberattacks, is in high demand. Participants will receive application-oriented solutions to effectively address the complex threats in the digital world.

From a communication perspective, we at ikp know that communicative competence is as crucial as technical know-how. This applies both to preparation and to accompanying measures during a crisis.


Save the Date: Communication Focus at the IT Security Roundtable


A highlight of the new cooperation is this year’s IT Security Roundtable, which will take place on September 20 in Innsbruck. For the first time, the annual conference will emphasize successful communication during cyber crises. Maria Wedenig, Managing Partner at ikp Vienna, will present targeted communication strategies and measures for both preparation and handling such situations.

As in other areas of life, overcoming a crisis successfully makes you stronger!


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