Rhesi is one of the largest flood protection and river engineering projects in Europe. It aims to increase the outflow capacity of the Alpine Rhine from the mouth of the river Ill to Lake Constance. The Rhesi project will therefore maintain and conserve the living and working space for approximately 300,000 people in the Rhinetal valleys of St. Gallen and Vorarlberg.
Internationale Rheinregulierung
Rhesi – flood protection for the Rheintal valley
laufendes Projekt (seit Jänner 2019)
Strategy services
- Strategic communications consulting
- Analysis and concept
- Corporate and brand communications
- Crisis communication and reputation management
Content services
- Topic planning
- Written content and editing
Channels services
- Media relations
- Corporate publishing, print
A flood protection project of this scale, with a projected construction time of approximately 20 years and currently planned costs of approximately 1.3 – 1.4 billion Swiss francs, has a long lead time: from the variant studies, the detailed planning and legal preparations, through to a new international treaty between Austria and Switzerland. After several years of planning work, a project which is ready for approval is now available, and the approval procedures can be completed over the next few years. Representative surveys confirm the exceptionally high public profile of the project as well as its considerable degree of acceptance.
Fotos ©: Internationale Rheinregulierung (IRR)